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SEPP grant? Check.

€2950 Grant for electric cars in 2024.

Suitable for the BYD DOLPHIN and the BYD ATTO 3, among others.

BYD Atto 3 in een stadswijk met schaduwspel

Great news!

Electric car subsidy in 2024 is available

As an individual, you can get a subsidy (SEPP) for buying or private leasing an electric car. Good news; the BYD DOLPHIN and the BYD ATTO 3 falls within this subsidy with both versions. Unfortunately, the total subsidy budget is limited, so reserve soon so you can take advantage of this subsidy opportunity.

How does it work?

To qualify for the subsidy, the list price of your electric car must be between €12,000 and €45,000. In addition, the car must be a 100% electric passenger car with a range of at least 120 kilometers WLTP. The car does not have to have been delivered yet when the SEPP subsidy is applied for. The amount of subsidy you can apply for this year (2024) for a new electric car is €2,950. This subsidy applies to both buying and private leasing an electric car.

Application process

As of January 9, 2024, 09:00 you can apply for a subsidy for your electric car through this link. You must apply for the SEPP subsidy yourself. You only need your purchase or lease contract. Please note, the subsidy is not infinite and gone = gone.


To apply for the subsidy, have the following information at hand:

  • Address, email address and Citizen Service Number.
  • DigiD app or DigiD with SMS verification
  • Brand and model
  • Date of signing purchase agreement
  • IBAN bank account number
  • If known the license plate number (The license plate number is not necessary to submit an application).

Calculation example purchase ATTO 3 comfort

Grant discount€2.950,-
Price after discount€36.040,- 


  1. How and when can I apply for this subsidy?
    You can apply for a subsidy from January 9, 2023, 9:00 a.m. for your new electric passenger car with a purchase or lease contract entered into on or after January 1, 2024. You can then apply for a subsidy until the pot is empty.
  2. What are the conditions of the government subsidy?
    First of all, it is good to know that you must meet a number of conditions for SEPP in order to be eligible. These are the main conditions you must meet to receive a subsidy for your electric car:
    • The range (according to the WLTP cycle) must be at least 120 km. Fortunately, this is the case with almost all regular electric cars.
    • The list price must be between €12,000 and €45,000. So be careful ticking options on cars that are just on the edge.
    • The car must be built as an electric car. Cars that have been retrofitted to electric do not qualify.
    • The purchase or lease agreement must be in place by 2024.
    • Read more:
  3. Who is this subsidy intended for?
    The subsidy is intended only for individuals (not business owners). You can take advantage of the subsidy once as an individual if you meet all the conditions.
  4. Am I entitled to a subsidy if I order a car in 2023?
    Have you signed a contract before January 1, 2024 and still want the opportunity to apply for the SEPP? Our leasing company will contact you itself after January 1, 2024, and in doing so will give you an option to enter into and sign a new lease contract. With the new lease contract, you apply for the SEPP. Don’t sign this new contract? Then your old contract will remain valid.
  5. What is the current state of the SEPP grant budget?
    You can find the current state of the subsidy budget on the central government website. For purchasing a new electric car, you can find the current budget state here. For the state of the budget when (privately) leasing a new electric car look here.

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